The series of works by Ria Dian titled "Point of no return" opens a new chapter in the exploration of the plasticity of materials. The work is characterized by a limitation in the form of rhythmicity - the clear symmetry inherent in any mandala; and the transfer of a traditionally pictorial approach into a spatial volume, in 3D.

The composition "Point of no return" by Ria Dian spirals into an incredible vortex of ornaments and symbols (a mix of threads, fabric, sequins, wool, hair, and silicone), directing the viewer's thought process towards the realization of their own internal transformations. The center of the "Point of no return" represents the initial state, and as one moves outward along the circle, the individual path and life processes are revealed, accompanied by attempts to transition into another, new state - the point of no return, which divides everything into "before" and "after".

The point of no return is a breakthrough, simultaneously reminiscent of meditation, hypnosis, and psychotherapy, after which it is impossible to return to one's original state, but one can reflect on and observe the process of its occurrence: how the threads were unwound, how the tension occurred, where the tears were, where the stops were made, and at what moments it was necessary to "switch to a run". The process that the "Point of no return" can set in motion is not only an analysis of the plasticity of the object, but also the plasticity of the viewer.

Ria provides the viewer with the opportunity to determine at what point the transformation will occur, after which the object will not be able to return to the central part, to its original state, as well as to determine at what point the viewer themselves is located at the moment.