Ria Dian. Contemporary artist.

Ria Dian is a young girl, an experimental artist, a wizard of art.

The artistic experiment involves exploring the flexibility and plasticity of materials, their reactions to various external factors.

Recognizable visual language, working with corporeality, and exploring the possibilities of different mediums, including costume practice, help to conduct a profound analysis of human essence and its potential for change, transformations, through people's ability to perceive themselves as others.

By creating new forms and types, the artist strives to find the meaningful boundary of the object - the moment when the explored loses its recognizability and ceases to carry its message or meaning to the world.

It is important for Ria to initiate the viewer's movement in the search for information, in creating something new: to inspire and teach to look at the world with burning eyes full of interest and intellectual enthusiasm.

photo of a monkey